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Let’s Chat Chillicothe

The Let’s Chat Chillicothe offered an in-person opportunity on August 4 in collaboration with First Thursday. This was a chance to learn about the process, provide feedback and help prioritize draft actions. The same activities available at that event are replicated below for those unable to attend. We sincerely appreciate your time to help guide the future of Chillicothe!

In March, the first round of public engagement asked participants to share their big ideas for the future of Chillicothe. Based on this public input, past plans, Steering Committee conversations, and technical analysis – an initial set of draft actions was developed.

Please review the actions on the boards and let us know: What’s missing? What is a priority? What needs elaboration, a sidebar, graphic support, or more explanation? Each goal has its own set of objectives and associated actions. Please use the form within each goal tab to provide comments on specific actions. Let us know if your comment is in support, concern, clarifying, or other.

  • View the draft Comprehensive Plan actions
  • Share your thoughts on some – or all! – of the actions that will shape Chillicothe’s future
  • If you have multiple comments within a specific goal, use the ‘Add’ button
  • If you only have one, use the ‘Submit’ button
  • If you decide to add a comment after you have pressed ‘Submit’ for a goal you can always go back and submit another comment
  • You will need to press ‘Submit’ for each goal

Thank you for the time to review and we look forward to reading your comments!

Land Use – Guide

Efficiently managed land – infill development, revitalization, and strategic growth – that creates an appealing community character and establishes the city’s long-term financial health.

Land Use - Guide

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

Public Health – Flourish

A healthy community, both physically and mentally, with access to first-in-class facilities and programs.

Public Health - Flourish

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

Housing – Reside

A diversity of housing types with a range of attractive and affordable housing options, meeting the needs of current and future residents.

Housing - Reside

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

Public Amenities – Experience

Excellent community atmosphere with celebrations of the city’s notable history and a wide range of parks, public services, historic buildings and monuments, and a well-supported arts community.

Public Amenities - Experience

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

Economic Development – Thrive

Robust and resilient economic base with diverse opportunities to find or create a job in a place that is appealing to varied lifestyles and is attractive as a visitor destination.

Economic Development - Thrive

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

Implementation – Achieve

Strong collaboration and commitment to action with leaders who embrace public engagement among the city’s various entities, institutions, and business community.

Implementation - Achieve

Type of Comment
Press 'Add' if you would like to provide an additional comment or press 'Submit' if you are finished with this goal.

What do you envision here?

Review the Future Character Area Map below. Let us know if you would like to see revisions to any of the Character Type placements. We would also like to know what you envision in any or all of the four planning areas: CSX Property, Tiffin Property, Riverside District, Western Avenue Corridor.

Change the basemap


You can identify one place at a time. For large areas, you can put the marker on a specific representative location. Click on the map to get started, then use the form to label, name, and describe the place. Once you click the submit button, your marker will be saved and you will be able to identify a different place.

You've marked a place. Now tell us...

Please complete all form fields before clicking the submit button.


City Limits


  1. Click on the map to mark a location.
  2. Describe what you envision with your marker.
  3. Submit your marker and description. Your saved markers will appear.
  4. Optional: Mark another location and describe another opportunity. There's no limit to the number of ideas you can submit.
  5. Thank you!