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Review the adopted plan!

Review the adopted plan and decide how you would like to get involved.


Save the date, January 4th!

Review the draft plan created by your community. Ask the planning team and Steering Committee questions and decide how you would like to get involved.


Find out more about your city


Choose Chillicothe is a community-driven process to develop a comprehensive plan for the City of Chillicothe, Ohio.

The Choose Chillicothe process will result in a new, modern comprehensive plan for the City of Chillicothe. A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community. It is the broadest public policy document a community can create for its future physical development considering the input of residents, businesses, and other stakeholders. It includes a vision statement about the future condition of the City; goals and desired outcomes for each of the plan topics; objectives to measure progress on a goal; and actions to achieve the goal. The plan is a tool to prepare for and manage change. It acts as a guide for decision-makers. The plan is not a legally binding document, but serves as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations, and more..


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Review the adopted plan!

Click the image to view the adopted plan.

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Review draft plan
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