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Steering Committee Presentations

Meeting 1 – January

An introduction to the Choose Chillicothe plan process. The Steering Committee shared a little about themselves and offered up what they thought were Chillicothe’s greatest opportunities. The planning team explained what can be anticipated, a description of the Steering Committees’ role, and the importance of having a plan document.

Meeting 2 – February

The Steering Committee met to learn about key existing conditions in the city and region. Topics included but were not limited to land use, demographics, transportation, walkability, parks and recreation, economics, public health, and more. The group previewed the first round of public engagement’s activities and discussed ways to best reach all facets of the community.

Meeting 3 – May

The Steering Committee met to review and discuss the input gathered at the Let’s Chat! workshops. Draft vision and goals statements were tested and discussed at length. The plan’s structure, vision, goals, objectives, and actions were reviewed. Lastly, small group work was done around large maps to envision the future of land use throughout the community.

Meeting 4 – June

The Steering Committee weighed options for the second round of public input and the desired goal for participation. Draft plan elements were tested with the Steering Committee before being included in the public engagement. The Steering Committee provided feedback on a draft future character area map, draft plan actions, and more.

Meeting 5 – December

The Steering Committee met to review and discuss the input gathered during the second round of engagement. After having the document for one week, each member was able to share their thoughts about the draft plan. The area plans were presented and discussed. The group shared feedback on implementation time frames, responsible entities, and organization.

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Plan reveal event on January 4th!

Come view the draft plan and see what your community has put together for the…
Planning Director Asti Powell discusses the comprehensive plan process on the “Feels Like Home” podcast!
Find us at August’s First Thursday!