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Choose Chillicothe is a community-driven process to develop a comprehensive plan for the City of Chillicothe.

Why should I participate?

Now is the time.

Considering the dynamic nature of the community, the planning process aims to act on how to shape growth and change.

This is a special opportunity.

The City is committed to creating a plan that is backed by the community, is implementable, addresses new planning issues, and includes land use and economic opportunities. These decisions will shape the community for years to come.

Build off success.

Chillicothe benefits from many local and regional advantages and is a highly desirable place in which to live. The planning process will leverage the City’s many assets to help build an even better future.

Who is involved?

Steering Committee

Process and outreach.

A resident-led Steering Committee is helping to guide the public process and the plan’s recommendations. The group is representative of the City’s many diverse interests. The planning consulting team will facilitate the Steering Committee’s work, convene public workshops, conduct technical work, and draft the plan.


Targeted input.

Individuals or groups with specific insight or expertise will be engaged to provide insight during the process.


Input and feedback.

Widespread public involvement is vital to the plan’s success. A number of in-person workshops and online tools will offer a variety of ways for the community to give input throughout the process.

City Staff

Project management.

City staff will support and help to coordinate the work and will also provide local knowledge and expertise to each element of the plan.

Elected Officials


The final plan will be formally adopted by the City Council who will have a central role in its implementation.


Process leadership and expertise.

The consultant team is led by planning NEXT and includes Burgess and Niple, Ninigret Partners, and Toole Design. The team will work closely with the Steering Committee and Staff to facilitate the process and share experience from other successful communities nationwide.

The Process

From its start, the planning process will span approximately 12 months. The public engagement process is kicking off in December of 2021 and there will be multiple opportunities to get involved.